Friday, February 20, 2015

I'm Back

Wow . . . who wrote this blog? Where is she now? I hope to someday be like her. She has contagious enthusiasm and confidence. Sadly, she lost most of her zest for running while rehabbing her Illiotibial Band injuries. Eighteen months of pain and discomfort broke her - two rounds of physical therapy, MRI, countless appointments, second opinion, anti inflammatory medications that didn't help, hip bursitis, cortisone shots, tailbone pain, a chiropractor, and FINALLY a second chiropractor and a massage therapist both with experience with the injury (thank goodness)! Those two were her saving grace - the reason she is able to run a little today.  They cause her much pain - the graston technique to break up scar tissue, e-stim, adjustments to back, pelvis alignment, working out trigger points in piriformis and thighs - but enduring the pain allows her to run - which is what she really wants. But now she is over cautious and gives up too easily. You see . . . SHE is ME. I am looking for the ME I used to be. I want to run. I want to want to run.

My husband encourages me to run. He runs every day. Every. Day. No excuses. That inspires me. He also wants to run a half marathon. With me. In New Orleans. Yikes . . .  but super exciting. New Orleans is one of my favorite places. Looking back at this blog, I remember how running made me feel. Invincible! I want to experience that again. I think I'm on my way back. I am going to blog my experience for the next year. That's how long I have to get ready - one year. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can . . .

I have learned from my injuries the following things I must do to stay healthy:
1. stretch - even if it's only a mile
2. ice - even if it's only a mile
3. strengthen hips, thighs, glutes, and core (since this is most likely where the injury began)
4. aggressively treat any tightness/discomfort with foam roller, chiropractor visits, and massage therapist

I also know now how important diet and rest are to recovery. Changing my diet to include more protein and less junk food is going to be a challenge, as is getting a minimum of 8 hours of sleep a night.

I've been back at it for a week. I'm feeling some tightness and discomfort already in my IT Band. I'm doing my strengthening exercises and I've made an appointment with the chiropractor. I'm sure there is some scraping in my future. I am building back my base and cardiovascular endurance. It always irritates me to have to start over. I'm planning to stick with it for the next year and not have to start over again. Here's to starting over for the last time! I can and I will!

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