Thursday, March 25, 2010


I have been wondering what happens when you get past 99 minutes on the treadmill. I found out today! I have run that length of time before, but I usually stop for a bathroom break and loose all of my stats on the treadmill. I didn't stop today. I was "in the zone" today for my long run. For me what that really means is zoning out :) My body is running but my mind is elsewhere. I had the strangest sensation - as if I was falling, or losing my balance. I thought for a split second that my legs were giving out. Wrong . . . the treadmill STOPS after 99 minutes. I couldn't believe it. I had another 2.66 miles to go for my long run of 11.5 today. I had to start all over - ALL numbers back at zero. Luckily, a friend came to the gym and we talked for a few minutes. My 2.66 miles went by pretty quickly. And if you were wondering - that number on the far right - 1089 - that's the number of calories I burned in 99 minutes. Don't get too excited . . . that might just cover the amount of Reeses Pieces I've eaten this week.
Two tips for this week: 1)My friend who I saw at the gym told me she and her friends ate gummy fruit snacks while they were training on their long run days for quick carbs. She said the packages fit perfectly in your pocket. AND they taste much better than those energy gels. 2)Body Glide anti-chafe balm is my best friend on long runs

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